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The Community Land Trust is open to membership. You can become a Member – or Shareholder –
by buying at least one £1.00 share.

You can buy as many shares as you like, but, unlike any other sort of shareholding, no matter how many shares you own you
only have one vote. Please download pdf Membership form below. When completed hand into the shop.
If you would like to apply for membership you can contact the Secretary, Ian Murray, by e-mail to ian, or
by phoning 01935 881883


No matter how many shares you own, you cannot make a personal profit. All the funds of the CLT are owned by and administered for the community that the CLT serves. Nobody – including the members of the Board of Directors (the Committee) can profit from their membership. The only condition of membership is that you must support the objects of the Trust. 

CLT logo,The Shop is run by Norton sub Hamdon Community Land Trust,
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